How To Get Clear Skin
There are too many people who underestimate the importance of water in our daily diet, one needs to drink 2L or 8 cups of water per day to make sure that all toxins are flushed out of the body and to make sure that we are energised throughout the day. Water is replaced every 6 weeks in our body not to mention it is being excreted daily through our systems, so we must drink enough to replenish it.
One needs to wash their face every morning and night in order to remove dirt and help aid their skin type. Purchase a cleanser that suits your skin type, my favourite brands that I'd recommend to anyone is 'The Body Shop,' 'Clarins' and 'St. Ives' because of the quality and the effect that it produces. All three brands currently offer solutions for all skin types.
After cleansing your face, using a toner will remove any leftover residue and tighten your pores. It will also make sure that your moisturiser sinks in better. Look for vitamin E toners, 'Boots' does a great one which will protect the skin and also heal it.
This is vital to use a moisturiser day and night. For the morning, use a moisturiser with at least SPF 15 so it will protect you from the sun's rays so you'll be able to look younger for much, much longer and try and prevent skin cancer. For the night use an extra moisturising and healing cream for your beauty sleep.
By exercising daily you remove toxins from your body, which will lead to less spots and you'll also be releasing chemicals in your body which make you happier, this will mean that you will be less stressed which in turn will lead to clearer skin and a healthy and toned body. Exercise daily for 15-20 minutes, you can wake up earlier and start you day with an invigorating
*Dry Body Brushing
Not many people are aware of the effects that dry body brushing has on the skin, it removes toxins from the body, smoothens skin, stimulates blood circulation and reduces the appearance of cellulite on the body. Start from the heels and in upwards motions towards the heart brush your entire body. Then start from the hands towards the heart. Try this everyday for 5 minutes and even within the first use you'll see how clear your skin looks. =)
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