Thursday, September 23, 2010

Beauty - Benefits Of Honey Used As A Cure For Acne

Benefits Of Honey Used As A Cure For Acne

*Sticky, drippy and gets in your hair.  These really seem to be the only downsides of using honey as a treatment for acne.  The benefits of using honey far outweigh these minor inconveniences.  Honey has been used for centuries as a natural aid for wounds and is now gaining popularity in the use of treating acne.
Those who suffer from regular bouts of acne are becoming disillusioned with the drawbacks of using medicines to deal with it, which can be ineffective and expensive. Honey itself is a natural antiseptic which contains hydrogen peroxide yet does not cause dryness when applied to the skin. Simply put, honey kills bacteria, so is naturally effective when used as an acne treatment. It does not work for everyone but those who have benefited from its use give glowing reports.

*The benefits to using honey as a cure for acne are that it is gentle. It does not aggravate the acne by causing the skin to dry, but instead it mosturises  and hydrates the skin. Those who associate itching with acne find that using honey gives almost immediate relief in stopping the skin from itching. The results seen from using a honey face mask are a reduction of the redness associated with acne, and softer and more glowing skin. As the honey works on the skin to clear the acne it also helps to suppress new outbursts. It is beneficial in helping old scars to fade too.

*Not everyone finds it convenient sleeping in a face mask but try it initially. As the acne starts to heal honey can be used for shorter periods as a mask, or applied before showering. If honey works for you as an acne aid you will find it an inexpensive way of dealing with your skin problems, at the same time as benefiting from clearer, glowing skin. Finally remember that honey tastes good too, so try not to eat your mask. =)

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